Turkey Shoot

Bring your favorite 12ga or 20ga shotgun. Minors welcome with adult supervision. First and Second place prizes (Bacon & Mini Hams) Money Shoots and shoot for a new 12-gauge shotgun Food, raffles, 50/50 Bloody Mary Bar and more. There are ways to win without having to shoot! Be there by

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Trap Shoot -Open to the Public

Twice Every Month! There will be trap shooting 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month starting at 11:00 a.m until all shooters are finished. Cost is $5.00 per line. A line is 5 shots at 5 different stations. Public welcome. For more information ==> LINK

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Members only Bring a dish to pass If interested, please call Chuck DuMiller at cdutwo@att.net

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New Years Day Dinner

Pork & Kraut, Red Skin Potatoes, Knifleys, Rye Bread. Price:  $10 Time:  3pm (until gone)

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Adult Christmas Party

When: December 14th 6:00p.m. at the Club. Bring a dish to pass. The club will provide ham, shrimp, and two drink tickets. Cash Bar Member and Guest only.

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52 Guns 52 Weeks Raffle Drawing

Raffle starts on 01/02/19 thru 12/26/19 Need not to be present to win. A ticket will be drawn every consecutive Wednesday at 7:00pm live on Whitmore Lake Rod & Gun Club’s Facebook page. In the event Wednesday is a Federal Holiday, the drawing will occur the following business day. WINNERS

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